the dye garden.....God's gift of color!

The dye garden gave me such beautiful colors, all through simple solar dyeing…except a small but generous harvest of fresh leaf indigo where all the blues came from…God’s beautiful gift of color constantly inspires me to create work that reflects that beauty….time to rest now from harvesting and dyeing and focus on new tapestry weaving…

God's gift of color from the dye garden

"Rhythms of Grace"

“Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.” Matthew 11: 28-29 MSG translation

This verse inspired my tapestry, “Rhythms of Grace”, as well as other recent works and is about one of the “thin places” where Heaven and Earth meet and the presence of God is so clear, a gentle presence calling me to rest in Him.

This tapestry was the first to find a home in the recent local Artist Studio Tour and now has a home with a beautiful soul and friend who sees and appreciates the meaning behind it. Grateful it found a perfect home. I pray it brings peace and rest for her soul each time she looks at it.

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